Welcome to Grand Finale Stables

Home of World Champion Morgan Horses and Riders

Megan Gallagher has been riding and showing since she was 8 years old. Her love of Morgan’s began when she got her first Morgan, Farceur’s Wake Up Call. Together they tackled western, hunter, reining, trail and more. Wakeo was also the catalyst for her desire to train horses.

Throughout her career, Megan worked with a variety of different trainers of different backgrounds. Among them, Julie Adams and Eitan Beth-Halachmy. Megan strives to be a well rounded horsewoman and continues her education in many different disciplines.

Megan tailors her training program to each individual horse that comes in the barn, based on their needs and the owners expectations. Developing a well rounded, good minded horse is of the utmost importance.

In 2019, Megan completed the educational requirements to become a Morgan "r" judge and plans to begin judging in 2020.

Along with a top notch training program, Megan has created a wonderful, supportive barn environment. Come be apart of the Grand Finale Family!


Steven, Brooke and Megan Gallagher (owners of GFS)